Help make a difference in the world.




This is a website where you can help feed the hungry by doing one simple thing,

Knowing definitions to words and answering the question right.

Everytime you answer a a question right (the correct definition for the word) Free Rice Donates 20 grains of rice to the  U.N.W.F.P. (or The United Nations World Food Program).

According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2006 statistics, there are 820 million chronically hungry people in developing countries. 

212 million live in India

206.2 million live in Sub-Saharan Africa

524 million live in Asia and the Pacific

52.4 million live in Latin America and the Caribbean

 37.6 million live in the Near East and North Africa.

There are ALOT of starving People out there in this world and its quite upsetting to see some of the pictures of the result of starvation. Please do your part to help save peoples lives by helping feed the ones who really need it.


If that really isn't all that convincing then Please take this into thought for a second:

If you weren't Born in America and you lived in a country were its nearly impossible to survive because of the food shortage, Would you want someone to take some of there time to help feed you, your family, and the people you know?


Please Help Contribute and feed someone, Who knows you may save someone's life.