About Me



Well To start off I guess I should start with telling you my name.

My Name Is Krista, but You can Call me Azlein (pronounced As-Lynn)

as you have noticed before I am 16 years old.

I have very good social skills (or so I am told :P )

I am about 5'1, my original hair color is a brunette/ Blonde... (I had blonde hair..Well Almost not quite).

I am a sophomore.

I like to write, draw, sing, and other creative things.

I like to take pictures, I take alot of me because I am all weird about my pictures because I will only find about 20 or 30 pictures I like, out of about maybe 100 pictures.... I do a little skill for taking nice pictures not the greatest but its still pretty nice. 

I am engaged, to the love of my life. He's my world and my light. He means everything to me.  

His name is Dmitriy Xiathaniel Loshakov and I Love him more then life itself.  

We met  January 18th because of me, I got bored.  So I went to find someone to make my friend on MySpace and try to start a conversation with them.  He accepted and I asked if he wanted to chit chat  and he said yes.

So we struck up a conversation at about....9 or 10 p.m. and we ended it at about..........2 or 3 in the morning. It progressed on and on you get the point I am sure.

We haven't met yet, but I am meeting him in June, and! Possibly spending most of my summer with him and his family. xD I can't wait!!!!

I spend a good amount of time on my laptop and just  hanging out. I almost never watch T.V. its not because I don't believe in that or something like that, I just don't ever seem to find anything that would be worth sitting in front a T.V. to watch it.

I also spend a lot of time on the phone. I used more then 29,000 mins in the past few months... Yeah....Don't ask...


I will try to add new stuff about me everyday or as much as possible.